Saturday, November 1, 2008

No Workie Yet

Okay so my phone has this cool progam called my closet, its suppose to help me get dressed. Also its suppose to help me remember what I have worn already, that's awesome. So I'm suppose to take pictures of all my clothes one by one. I started to and got bored. Now I have a mess. Ill let you all know how it goes...TBC.


Anonymous said...

That's weird! Never heard of that. Let me know if it works!

Adriana Sujey said...

Sounds cool! Wanna see how it works!

Rosebud said...

sorry lucy, but if u need ur phone 2 show u how to dress,well....

enough said, i guess :-P

Anonymous said...

lol @ rosebud!!!

Anonymous said...

Lucia..if you don't post soon...LOL

juan said...

where the post come on already

juan said...

still waiting for that post

juan said...

come on post already

juan said...

pretty please

DeeDee said...

Still waiting for the ending of this post! :P

juan said...


juan said...

you clothe will be out of style if you don't post soon

juan said...

toda via no