Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Couch, I Mean The Mill!

I had no pictures today so after church and lunch today I got home and just took one of the mill. It sits in the living room at home and well there is no furniture in the living room at the moment. My sister just bought the house and they have TVs in their rooms so they don't really use the living room. I however, do use it. I kinda have been slacking off on the jogging. I would usually get on it right after the gym and watch TV while I jogged. Now I sit on it and watch TV, lol. So today at lunch Dee was saying how stuffed she was and I was thinking how I been eating out a lot now. So I thought I better start jogging again and well I told myself I would get on when I got home. I turned the TV on and Never Been Kissed was on. I sat and started watching. It took me a whole ten minutes to tell myself to quit using it as a couch. So I got on and jogged today. I did two miles not what I'm use to but I'll get back up there. Jogging is one of my favorite things to do but I don't know what happened. I really don't :( 

1 comment:

Sal said...

ah, you should have gotten a pic with you sittin on the mill with popcorn and drinks. LOL

what a way to use that exercise machine. as a couch potato!