Tuesday, January 22, 2008


What would you say is your most favorite emotion to show? Everyone I am sure would say laughing. It's great to laugh, think of how you feel when you are doing it. We love to be around people who make us laugh and it's just a really great emotion to express. I am not much of a comedian but I do have this one brother, boy can he make me laugh.

Then there is that laughing so hard that your eyes water, and your stomach hurts and you just can't stop for anything in the world. Then there are the giggles. Boy do those giggles always get me into trouble. Today at work our boss was mad about something and he got us all together to I guess blow off steam. Well one look at Adriane and that was the end of me. I could not stop laughing for anything. We kept trying to not look at each other but boy it's like you know that shes there and just the thought of her smile and giggling is it. Man those are the best moments I think. Even if at the time you are trying so hard to quit giggling.

I think I love the giggles most, and I laugh at all the wrong moments sometimes, but boy is it worth it.


juan said...

Cool I remember @ Central we were in the back pews us on one side the Yanez family on the other. I don't remember what we were laughing about that me & John had to get up & leave the service cause we just couldn't stop laughing.

Sal said...

thats funny, you have an adriane that you dont want to look at i have an adriana that i cant look at during the meetings....


Sal said...

@juan probably at that lady that had a moment of flatulence in johns face...

juan said...

@ J, I think your right

The Preacher said...

no it wasnt that night, I do remember we wernt in fellowship, that was an aweful time

The Preacher said...
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Rosebud said...

I gotta agree w/Lucy,I love laughing too,especially when it can calm the stress.

@Sal,you really cant laugh at the fact that someone passed gas in church,you never know,it might have been caused by the holy ghost :)