Sunday, January 6, 2008


Wow, so we are almost on a week of faithfully blogging. I say that we should celebrate after the whole month is completed. What should we do though hmmm? Let's have a big ol BBQ yes? Okay I feel like I am talking to myself so I will stop and get on with the real blog.

Today is Sunday and one of my most favorite days of the week. I was so late to church today because as I was all dressed and ready to go, my niece Jamie threw up all over me she hasn't been feeling so good and I happened to be hugging her at the exact moment that she decided to throw up. What could I do but go change.

Well I make it to church and missed all the singing which is my favorite part of the service. After I guess I kinda ran out but only because my brother Saul had text me to hurry up and go make some sides for a BBQ at his house. And no I wasn't playing with my phone during church, I only noticed because I heard it ring. I had forgotten to turn it off. So I had a really good time at Saul's house and was able to play with Madison, my favorite niece but shhh don't tell anyone. I made rice, potato salad, pico de gallo and a chocolate cake. The chocolate cake was my favorite ha ha. Meg, which is Sauls dog, loved the potato salad, dumb dog was eating all the potatoes that I kept dropping on the floor. Tomorrow will be more interesting I promise. This was kinda like a hurry up and right it blog thing. Hey at least I'm honest right?


Sal said...

EWE you went to church with throw up?? gaross!!

and yeah we should do something after the month is done with... maybe we can all do a big dinner here at mi casa like we talked about on jackle the other day...

think about it.

DeeDee said...

@ Sal that sounds like a good idea, but Lucy's cooking! Have the games ready for the kids:) And for the big kids too.

juan said...

ewe, was the dog inside, animal, that is in spansih. he he, prende el bote sounds good