Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Do You See It????

Well do you, do you know what I am talking about? I'll give you a hint, but hopefully you already looked closely and spotted it. Here is the hint, so I had no lunch date today, and what do I usually do when I don't have one? Go shopping alone or go to my rents house. Well its my infamous tea from Brandon Iron, being left on a shelf while I look around. I was getting a discount for a while because they thought I worked in the mall. Finally I fessed up one day cuz I felt bad. The owner still gives me one and always says you work here right? I always tell him no and you keep asking. I usually set it down on a shelf while I look around. Also if someone is there I always tell them get me a tea, lol. You know come to think of it, I think almost everyone has gotten me one before.


DeeDee said...

LOL I see it! You're so funny, you and your tea, I like sweet tea but I've never tried theirs I think I'm gonna have to :)

LUCY said...

@deedee, I really like it also from Las Vegas mmmm. I think your husband said he likes it from there too.

Adriana Sujey said...

Hey Lucy, and did you notice that there's a sign in the background that says "FAVORITE TEE" Isn't that cool??

juan said...

Las Vegas tea is so good I guess I have to try Branding iron Tea