Saturday, October 18, 2008

Getting Learned

Today I was at my parents and Dad and me were talking about things. It was one of those conversations that I really don't like. I'd say we have had maybe a dozen my whole life. I love him, I love talking to him, I just hate him hurting for me. I can't lie or hide it, he knows me better than anyone, I thank God for blessing me with him as long as He has. My words to him usually after a conversation like that are, vamos pa fuera. I try to change the mood of the conversation I suppose. So he says,vamos a ensenarte a cambiar una llanta. Im like grrr, shoulda stayed with the conversation,lol. So you see my pic right? The first thing he does is tells me a story about him getting fooled by the fake bolts when he changed a tire first. He was trying to take the bolts off the hubcap and wouldn't give up and broke them. He explained that those are for decoraction, and not to ever do that. I was so laughing at him. He said remember to take the hubcap off first. Awe, lol, I couldn't stop laughing. It was a great day with him, I really needed it. So did I get learned? Yes I did, but I don't think I wanna change my own tire, ever.


Sal said...

sounds a like good talk.


juan said...

Lol i did that once when I was younger also, trying to take the lug nuts off from the hubcaps, nice you can those talks with your daddy let him learn you , bet it makes him feel good.