Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Favorite

I usually have coffee and hold out till lunch, but I hate being hungry. So I bought my favorite cereal, and milk of course and took it to work. Only two people have hit me up for some.


Adriana Sujey said...

You know, I've never tasted those cereals. My fav are Fruit Loops. They stay crunchy longer than most. Soggy cereals = Ha Huck!! :P

LUCY said...

Try it it's so good, but then again I love Cinnamon. And its Hu-Huck not Ha, :P

juan said...

puro country corn flake over here with sugar, that is what I grew up on too poor to buy the actual frosted flakes.

Sal said...

not so grrreat ay juan

Adriana Sujey said...

And I did hesitate in putting "HA" :)